eCareers Academy is your first choice when seeking advice on career change, job search skills, career planning, education and training options, skill development, effective CV writing or job interview tips.



Take action for your future. Take your destiny into your hands!



Career options after Senior High?
Grades dropping at School/College/University?
Wrong choice of course at College/University?
Career options after professional sport?
Unfulfilled in your present job?
How to apply for a career position?
Business owner vs. Employee?


eCareers Academy empowers & equips you with skills and resources to discover your destiny & live your dreams through the effective:

Triple ‘A’ Careers Program:




eCareers Academy has years of experience, professional resources and a passion to help you with your career needs!




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I had an epiphany: I found my passion!

Yesterday I spent some time with Brian & he was able to help me through a problem that I’ve been having. I’ve not been able to find my passion! I spoke to Brian for several minutes. He gave me several techniques that I was able to apply last night. I contacted friends and family to find out what I was good at & what my passion was & late last night I had the epiphany that I’ve been trying to have for weeks: I finally found my passion! Thank you very much. I really appreciate that Brian!

Trevor Krill L.A., California, U.S.A. October 12, 2016

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Your kids are going to thank you for it.

Folks, I’ve listened to people all around this world give lectures on how to better help our youth. I’ve never felt so connected with what’s really going on in the teenager’s mind. Brian Horan is an absolute genius! He didn’t just stumble across this concept & say, ‘Hey, isn’t this a great industry.’ This man’s been working with teenagers for the last 25 years. He knows what they’re thinking. He knows what they’re doing. He literally creates a path for them to figure out what’s inside of them, as to what they really want to do. He doesn’t tell them what they want to do, but he lets them discover what they truly, truly, want to do.

Do you know what power that is when a child absolutely decides that for themselves, when they take ownership for what they want, when they set dreams & a vision? He helps them literally chart a path, manage their finances, mange their time, manage the relationships around them &, trust me, it’s about cleaning out the junk in their lives, which then allows them to stay focussed on that path. Your kids will have a dream, they will have a vision & this is the man who can get it done.

Brian Horan from is your guy! Get him on your team. Don’t think that you can do it by yourself. There’s too many outside forces out there fighting against you. Build up a team & you’re going to have success. Your kids are going to thank you for it. So pull it out of your pocket. Do whatever you have to do. Get on board & give your kids some focus! I’m a father & I believe in what Brian’s doing.


Rick Grunden October 12, 2016

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He is a gifted teacher. He is an intuitive person. I feel so blessed.

I met Brian at a conference in Los Angeles, California & one of the things that we were asked to do today was to explain what we wanted out of today’s seminar. One of the things that I wanted was clarity & how to build my new company, my business, & exactly what to do with it. At the very end of the day I had the pleasure of meeting Brian.

We started chatting. He asked me some simple questions & then amazing things were revealed to me by him. It did help me find clarity. He is a gifted teacher. He is an intuitive person. I feel so blessed. These last 15 minutes have really changed my life & have taken me to that point of clarity. Thank you.


Jeanette Fair Beverley Hills, CA., U.S.A. October 12, 2016

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I’m so thrilled & excited about Brian’s Careers programs!

I have just had the pleasure of meeting Brian and receiving a lot of information about his programs. I will tell you that I’m so thrilled & excited about them. I am an ex-English teacher & I taught the 6 grade for 12 years in an inner-city School & I actually left teaching because I became so frustrated because nothing ever changes & really felt that the students were not receiving the kind of help. In addition, there was nowhere for them to go, where people really cared about them. Consequently, I am thrilled to hear about Brian’s business because he has a big, big heart & I believe that his program is going to help lots and lots of kids, teenagers & young people really make a difference.


Cathy Eppley L.A., California, U.S.A. October 12, 2016

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He mentors, young children, teenagers & young adults. He gives them focus, design for the future & a hope that they will be a success. He assures them that there can be direction for their lives, that there is something that they can look forward to, something that they can work for, that will actually mean something for them.

… Brian, the clients that you touch & their families will be infinitely impacted for the better.

Thank you so much.

Maryann Marcos Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. October 12, 2016