The Assessment Component
Summary: This phase of the overall Careers Analysis guides individuals through the career decision process, using carefully designed written and electronic questionnaires, resulting in detailed profiles and lists of suitable career options for each person.
The programs cover education, occupational interests, abilities, skills & factors affecting job satisfaction. All clients receive a personal profile, list of suitable job suggestions & useful reports to take away. Each job comes with a description & personal pros & cons relating to the individual. Action Planning then helps the client to develop career ideas into practical strategies.
Careers Assessments can range from a:
- Foundation Appointment;
- Basic Package;
- Advanced Package; or
- Premium Package.
Contact: eCareers Academy for a detailed description and an updated Price List.
Here is an example of the Premium Assessment process:
1. Foundation Appointment (1 hour)
2. Questionnaires
2.1 Client
2.2 Family [parent(s), guardian(s) or sibling(s)]
2.3 Friend [spouse, partner, close friend(s)]
3. Career Voyage is a computer-based assessment (from JIIG-CAL Australia). The Career Voyage Assessment recognises the client’s:
3.1 Education level;
3.2 Interests;
3.3 Occupational interests;
3.4 Physical abilities;
3.5 Skills; and
3.6 Factors affecting job satisfaction
4. The Career Fast-Track program. This is a computer-based Personality Assessment. It comprises a sixty page Career Profile, incorporating seven (7) Reports:
4.1 A Careers-Life Values Report;
4.2 A Personal Profile Report;
4.3 A Career Path Interest Report;
4.4 A Career-Life Skills Report;
4.5 A Transferable Skills Report;
4.6 A Careers Obstacles Report; and
4.7 A Snapshot Report.
5. Analysis/Interpretation of Results [by Careers Counsellor]
6. Analysis Appointment: presentation of results to the client (1 hour)
7. Occupations and Tertiary Institution Research [by Careers Counsellor]
8. Wrap-up Appointment: presentation of results to the client (1 hour) and formulation of an Action Plan
9. Follow-up emails (available to the client)