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In your 20s? Read on … “How to Avoid the Quarter-Life Crisis”

I was recently approached by a University of Wollongong Journalism student reporter from UOWTV. She was compiling a story on the rise of the ‘Quarter-Life Crisis’. Note: this is not the ‘Mid-Life Crisis’; commonly occurring during the ages of 40-50 years. This period of crisis occurs in the 20s!  According to the classification sent to Read More

Template - Cover Letter(1)

Teenager: Here are Ten Ways to Prepare Yourself for Life After-School

1. Obtain the best possible careers guidance assessments to assist you with accurate vocational analysis and planning.      * If your High School Careers Adviser does not provide it, seek a private careers counselling service, e.g., eCareers Academy. 2. Be aware of your innate gifts      * Innate gifts are what you do naturally, easily Read More

Template - Cover Letter(1)

A Working Gap Year!?

The concept of a Gap Year is becoming increasingly popular with students. It’s usually a year off between secondary and tertiary education. Students usually want a break from academic pressures before committing to more study. It can include a volunteering contribution to an environmentally- or charity-based organisation, backpacking through Europe or working in a Canadian Read More